
Future Developments

Future Developments

We provide guidance for our students in future placement of jobs, opportunities for further studies both domestically and overseas. Our strategies are as follows:

  • For students’ employment:
    1. To assist the students to obtain certificates in related professional licenses.
    2. To facilitate plans in academia-industry cooperation and to offer job opportunities to students.
  • For students’ further studies:
    1. To provide the consultation for students to apply to graduate schools.
    2. To invite alumni coming back to the school to share their experience in studying in graduate school with the students through speeches and seminars.
  • For students to study abroad:
    1. To invite faculty and alumni to give speeches to share their experience in studying abroad with the students.
    2. To invite consultants from agencies of foreign institutions to provide up-to-date information of studying abroad.
    3. To gather information of studying abroad from time to time and provide students with on-line information about how they can be prepared to study abroad.